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    Therapies We Offer



    Peptides are chains of amino acids linked together in a specific process to produce a protein. Some peptides are naturally occurring and others can be artificially synthesized in the laboratory.

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    A peptide therapy based on Sermorelin can induce permanent or long-term spikes in HGH production. If you receive the therapy, you gain increased energy and stamina, and more.

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    CJC 1295 is a synthetically produced peptide that increases your plasma growth hormone levels. CJC 1295 is usually injected into your body via a subcutaneous injection.

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    Bremelanotide (PT-141) is a peptide that has been found to be useful in treating sexual disorders. With PT 141, the immediate effects are not the only benefits you might see.

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    Semax is a synthetic peptide drug that was developed based on the molecular structure of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). It is a potential “nootropic,” or “cognitive-enhancing” drug.

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    Selank is a compound with the goal of treating anxiety and potentially improving certain cognitive functions, such as learning and memory. This peptide can potentially replace stimulants, tranquilizers, and antidepressants.

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    Dihexa an oligopeptide drug that has been derived from angiotensin IV. With its high binding affinity to hepatocyte growth (HGF) and its receptor c-Met.

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    Thymosin Alpha + Beta 4

    Thymosin Alpha + Beta 4

    Thymosin alpha 1 is a peptide recognized for modifying, enhancing, and restoring immune function. Recombinant Human Thymosin-β4 is a 5.2kDa glycoprotein containing 45 amino acid residues.

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    Testosterone replacement therapy is approved to treat male hypogonadism (low testosterone or “Low T”), a condition in which the body fails to make enough sex hormones.

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    HRT for Women

    HRT for Women

    Hormone replacement therapy is a medication that contains female hormones. You take the medication to replace the estrogen that your body stops making during menopause.

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    HGH Therapy

    HGH Therapy

    HGH therapy is a treatment to increase the levels of human growth hormone (HGH) if its levels are reduced and the body doesn’t produce the natural growth hormone in a proper way.

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    Thyroid Therapy

    Thyroid Therapy

    If you are prescribed thyroid hormone replacement therapy, the goal is to compensate for the lack of hormone secreted by your thyroid gland. You will take a daily dose of T4 (or T3 and T4) in a pill taken orally.

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    Peptides FAQ

    What are peptides?

    Your body makes peptides. They’re strings of amino acids, which are the “building blocks” of proteins. But a peptide doesn’t have as many amino acids as a protein does.

    Lab-made peptides can mimic some of those found in your body. Some of them are used in medications for conditions ranging from diabetes to multiple sclerosis.

    Studies have also found that certain types may have benefits for your skin, muscles, and maybe your weight.

    Why use Sermorelin?

    While results may vary from patient to patient, clinical studies have shown that Sermorelin treatment can lead to a range of physical and mental benefits, such as:

    • Increased lean body mass
    • Fat reduction
    • Improved energy
    • Increased vitality
    • Increased strength
    • Increased endurance
    • Accelerated wound healing
    • Improved cardiovascular and immune function
    • Better sleep quality
    • Improved bone density
    • Improved skin quality and higher collagen density

    How is Sermorelin different from Ipamorelin?

    Sermorelin stimulates the production and release of growth hormone in a relatively straightforward way – it mimics growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH). You don’t need to know much about the endocrine system to guess what GHRH does – it causes the release of the growth hormone.

    Ipamorelin acts in a completely different way to stimulate growth hormone release. Ipamorelin mimics ghrelin in exactly the same way sermorelin mimics GHRH. Ghrelin doesn’t get as much attention as some of the A-list hormones like insulin, growth hormone, testosterone, and estrogen, but it absolutely should.

    What are the real effects of PT-141?

    PT-141 works directly through the nervous system to increase arousal, desire, and satisfaction with sex.

    Treatments like Viagra and Cialis work through the vascular system and only give you the ability to achieve an erection.

    However, PT-141 peptide gives you the desire and motivation along with the ability to achieve an erection, returning the intimacy and passion to your relationship.

    And because peptides work through the nervous system and not the cardiovascular system, peptides are safer for a wider variety of people, including those suffering from heart conditions but still wish to maintain a healthy sex life.

    What is kisspeptin?

    Kisspeptin is produced in the hypothalamus and is an important hormone that starts the release of several other hormones. It stimulates the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) which then causes luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to be released from the pituitary gland. These hormones have a direct role in the production of testosterone and estradiol.

    It has a non-hormonal role too and was originally named metastin after its ability to prevent the spread of cancer (metastasis). Recent data has also described its action in the control of metabolism. Recent data suggests that kisspeptin may play a role in food intake, glucose homeostasis, and mediating the effect of energy balance on reproductive function. Thus, kisspeptin may have a direct role in regulating energy balance and may also be a direct regulator of metabolism.

    Improper kisspeptin function or low kisspeptin levels can cause problems. Specifically, the inadequate function of this hormone can cause male and female infertility. In women, the lack of this peptide can prevent menstruation which leads to other hormone dysfunction and the absence of ovulation. Sometimes, just one injection of kisspeptin can trigger ovulation, which can allow for artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization using the woman’s ovaries.

    What are the benefits of Zinc Thymulin?

    Zinc Thymulin (ZT) is used to regenerate hair lost as a result of androgenic alopecia. Hair loss occurs in a large percentage of the adult human population and increases in prevalence with increasing age. Hair loss may occur in males and in females but is more prevalent in males. In the western population, it is estimated that 50% of the male population has noticeable hair loss by 50 years of age.

    The most common form of hair loss in men is termed androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness). Most hair loss involves the inactivation of hair follicles, that is, hair follicles cease to grow hair. Literature also suggests that the thinning of the fat scalp layer due to age can contribute to hair loss through inactivation of the stem cells which regulate hair growth. A deficiency of Zinc will also lead to hair loss.

    Zinc and Thymulin are two natural compounds involved in hair follicle growth and have been studied and found to promote hair growth. Combined into a spray solution, ZT can be applied to the scalp and treat hair loss, bald patches, and as well as initiate the anagen hair growth phase (the active growth phase of hair follicles during which the root of the hair is dividing rapidly).

    Benefits of Zinc Thymulin:

    • improves hair growth;
    • improves the quantity of hair;
    • prevents hair loss;
    • improves endogenous hair pigmentation;
    • a variety of alopecia states can be treated;
    • treatment may be combined with other known hair restoration methods.

    What is Copper peptide GHK-Cu?

    GHK-Cu is a naturally occurring copper complex that was first identified in human plasma but has recently been found in multiple locations such as saliva and urine. Copper peptides are small, naturally occurring protein fragments that have a high affinity for copper ions, which are critical to normal body function.

    GHK-Cu has a variety of roles in the human body including, promoting activation of wound healing, attracting immune cells, having anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulating collagen and glycosaminoglycan synthesis in skin fibroblasts, and promoting blood vessel growth.

    Evidence has shown that it acts as a feedback signal that is generated after tissue injury. It seems to act as a potent protector of tissue and it is an anti-inflammatory agent that controls the oxidative damage that occurs after tissue injury. Further, it then plays a big role in signaling tissue remodeling which removes damaged/scarred tissue and generates new, healthy tissue.

    Benefits of GHK-Cu:

    • tighten loose skin and reverse thinning of aged skin;
    • repair protective skin barrier proteins;
    • improve skin firmness, elasticity, and clarity;
    • reduce fine lines, depth of wrinkles, and improve the structure of aged skin;
    • smooth rough skin;
    • reduce photodamage, mottled hyperpigmentation, skin spots, and lesions;
    • improve overall skin appearance;
    • stimulate wound healing;
    • protect skin cells from UV radiation;
    • reduce inflammation and free radical damage;
    • increase hair growth and thickness, enlarge hair follicle size.

    How is Selank different from Semax?

    Both are synthetic peptides that have potential nootropic benefits. Semax comes from a brain hormone and has different uses — preventing liver damage and improving blood circulation.

    Selank and Semax are both nootropics that were developed in Russia. In some cases, they can be used for similar purposes. Selank is an anxiolytic peptide that minimizes the harsh effects of stress.

    Selank and Semax are both potentially amazing cognitive enhancers. Semax is more potent in enhancing cognition and depression. Selank, on the other hand, shows better results when used for anti-anxiety purposes.

    Affordable Services

    We break the stereotypes that medical services are expensive and long because high-quality medicine must be affordable!

    Knowledge & Expertise

    We are a team of doctors with many years of experience in medical practice.

    Comprehensive Diagnostics

    We offer highly-accurate and fast diagnostics of diseases.

    Effective Treatment

    We provide competent and effective treatment developed and adjusted by experienced professionals constantly improving their skills.

    Qualified Consultations

    Proper examination and consultations will help prevent many diseases and detect pathologies in the initial stage when they are most easily amenable to therapy.

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    What We Treat

    1. 1
      Facial Signs of Aging

      Our skin ages for a variety of different reasons. Many of the causes of skin aging are entirely natural and cannot be altered by themselves.

    2. 2
      Hair Loss

      If you notice that you’re losing more hair than usual, you should discuss the problem with a doctor to determine the underlying causes.

    3. 3
      Age-Related Fatigue

      Some illnesses, from the flu and anemia to rheumatoid arthritis and infections to cancer, can cause fatigue and make you feel tired all the time.

    4. 4
      Decreased Sex Drive

      Low libido describes a decreased interest in sexual activity. Low libido for a long period of time may cause concern for some people.

    5. 5
      Bone and Muscle Loss

      Muscle weakness contributes to fatigue, weakness, and reduced activity tolerance. Joint problems ranging from mild stiffness to debilitating arthritis (osteoarthritis) are very common.

    6. 6
      Excess Weight and Obesity

      Obesity is a chronic (long-term) medical disease of having too much body fat. Sometimes excess weight is a sign of low testosterone or HGH deficiency.

    7. 7
      Lack of Energy

      Lack of energy by itself is rarely an emergency; however, if it develops suddenly or is accompanied by other serious symptoms, it may require immediate evaluation to avoid significant complications.

    8. 8
      Joint Inflammation

      When you have inflammation, your body releases chemicals into your affected tissues to boost blood flow to an injury and cause redness and warmth.

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